Dear members,
Over the last month, we have been working hard in the background to get plans in place to restart rugby at Stirling County in as safe a way as possible. Whilst I am sure everyone is desperate to get back to normal this is still a long way off, both in our rugby lives as well as the rest of our lives – however, slow but sure progress is being made and if we all follow the guidance this will continue.
I have brought together a team of about 20 people including Stewart Milne, our Academy Manager and a COViD lead for each of the 18 squads we have at Stirling County and put into place the processes we need to get back safely.
The first thing that I will say is that training will not be the same as it was this time last year. Nights and timings of training may well change for all squads to accommodate the restrictions on numbers and space. All players from the P1s to the seniors will need to communicate that they are coming to training in advance instead of just turning up, without this, they will not be able to train. They will need to check-in and check-out on an app (details to come from each team lead) so we have a safe track and trace process if needed. Players will need to follow certain guidelines regarding one way systems; 2-meter spacing and pick up and drop off zones. Car sharing cannot happen and this is a requirement for their safety, the safety of their teammates and the wider community – details around this will come out from individual team leads over the next couple of weeks.
Pleasingly, we have had great support from some of our sponsors including Stirling Gin and Right Medical Pharmacy to help us with the cleaning and PPE that we need to keep everyone safe. Thank you to everyone that has helped so far and if anyone else can help in any small way please do get in touch.
We have had our Super6 players back doing voluntary fitness sessions for the last couple of weeks and this has helped me understand and refine the process so thank you to them, as well as Filippo and Ben.
Assuming there are no national or regional backward steps we are aiming to bring our senior men’s squad back the week beginning 17th August for some limited fitness training and then all the rest of the squads back the week beginning 24th August, more updates around this will come in the next few weeks.
For now, the things that you can do are follow the national guidance (FACTS), read through the information that comes through from your team leads and download the Sports-Train app.
Rugby will be back hopefully in 3 weeks.
There will be more updates over the next few weeks from me but in the meantime, if you have any questions please do get in touch at
Joey Crozier
(COViD Co-ordinator)
A download of this update is available here