COViD Update 2 - Stirling County Rugby Football Club

Dear All,

A much shorter COViD update this week.

Firstly a big thank you to Rebecca Lawerence of Neals Yard Remedies for donating more hand sanitiser to us to help us get back to training. Check out her Facebook page at and watch out for upcoming details of a fantastic fundraising offer from her in the coming weeks.

We are still working towards a restart of training from 17th August (senior men) and 24th August for the other squads. However, we must caveat that this is very dependant on updates to the Scottish government and SRU updates with the phases of lockdowns. With the present rules in place, it will be exceptionally challenging to get all the groups onto the training areas at the club over the course of the week, especially as the nights get darker. Stewart Milne is working hard on a plan for this but this may well change if further relaxations of rules happen on the 20th August. Your team managers will communicate this plan out in the next week or so.

At present we need all players from micros to FOSROC Super 6 to be signed up to the Sports-Train app – your team manager will send these details out if they have not done so already. Please sign up as soon as possible. If a player has not signed up to this then they cannot train.

I will send out another update after the next SRU announcements so look out for updates via social media and email around about the 21st or 22nd August
If there are any COViD related rugby questions please do not hesitate to email me on
