200 Club - April Draw - Stirling County Rugby Football Club

200 Club – April Draw


200 Club – April Draw

The following are the winners in the April Draw of the 200 Club:
£200 –  John Wilson
£100 –  Carol Davies
£50 –  Alistair McCall
£30 –  Derek Severs
£20 –  Alan Semple


This year the 200 Club has donated the sum of £2750 towards the refurbishment of the Parker Suite in the clubrooms. In previous years donations totalling several thousand pounds have been made towards the renovation of the furnishings in the Crichton Lounge, the renewal of the carpet in the same lounge and the renewal of the PA system around the 1st.XV pitch. 
Congratulations to all our winners. To take part in the 200 Club and have a chance of winning a monthly cash prize and helping raise funds for clubhouse improvements, please contact Alastair Cunningham at alandishbel2@btinternet.com.