Infrastructure Projects Update - Stirling County Rugby Football Club

Infrastructure Projects Update

Over the past few months, a lot of work has been undertaken to maintain and improve the Club’s premises in readiness for re-opening when Covid restrictions allow.

The Crichton Lounge has been completely refurbished with a new ceiling and energy-efficient led lighting, re-upholstered seating, new carpet and redecorated throughout. This will become our Members’ Lounge with displays capturing Stirling County’s historic achievements, and in particular our teams and players who have brought honours to the Club.

The Ladies Toilets have also been fully upgraded with new sinks, wall panelling, hand-driers and mirrors to provide a more comfortable appearance. New heating has also been installed which extends into the access corridors leading to the Marquee.

A substantial part of the roof (over the Club office and main bar area) has been re-felted to address leakages – the flat roof will continue to be monitored and further work undertaken as necessary.

The drainage problem in the Referees Changing Room – Showering Area has also been rectified to prevent water ingress damage.

The Club has invested £25k on the above improvements to help ensure the Club’s facilities remain fit-for-purpose.

Grant funding of £6k from the Clackmannanshire & Stirling Environment Trust was drawn down to assist with cost of the Ladies Toilets Upgrading and the Club has just been awarded a further £7,500 from the Trust to help fund the refurbishment of the Male Toilets and Disabled Toilet and Changing Facilities. This work will be undertaken over the coming months.

A £13k project has also started to upgrade the training pitch floodlights, including replacement of the ageing electrical control cabinets and switch gear, cabling and lamp outages, to ensure the system is fully working for the resumption of evening training under lights as we enter the darker evenings. Scottish Rugby provided £5k towards the cost of this essential project from their Club Recovery Fund.

As we welcome the return of competitive rugby at the end of July, work is proceeding to get Bridgehaugh Park ready with painting and repairs to the main pitch perimeter fence, cutting back of overgrown vegetation and general tidying up and maintenance work. Thanks to all those who helped.

Kevin Robertson – Trustee (Director – Infrastructure Projects)